get best poker Dealing Shoe Hidden Lens Device playing card Shuffler win Baccarat

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how to anti cheating on baccarat,the dealer can know the face of the first card or know what the card are by scanning barcodes lines on the sides of cards scanning camera,other:installed a scanning camera in the dealing shoe,scans the invisible barcode on the sides of playing cards

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We have a new technology product that cheating on baccarat : dealing shoe . This kind of card dealing shoe can know whether the banker (dealer ) is the winner, or whether the player is the winner or other

In the previous product, the dealer can know the face of the first card or know what the card are by scanning barcodes lines on the sides of cards scanning camera, so that the dealer can control the up and down of the first card, Now we have improved the product

We installed a scanning camera in the dealing shoe, of course it is hidden, even smash the dealing shoe , the camera cannot be found. Our cameras can be installed anywhere, such as decorations, inside tables or lighters. Our scanning camera scans the invisible barcode on the sides of playing cards (the invisible barcode is printed on the side of our playing cards, this ink is specially made, it is invisible to the naked eye, only can be seen by the scanning camera), then the analyzer will analyze the  barcodes ,and tell you who is winner or the draw (also know what the first card is, or Who will win by changing the order of poker).

How to use this baccarat dealing shoe? . The first step is turn on the power of the dealing shoes, and then use the remote control to turn on the camera of the dealing shoes, and then put the marked playing cards into the dealing shoes , so that the mini camera will automatically focus on scanning the invisible barcode on the side of the poker. The analyzer  system will analyze the barcode and tell you who is the winner. You can hear the result by wearing a miniature headset or  vibrator, and this baccarat dealing shoe can also tell you which card you should change Before you can change the winner.

We can help you  custom-made shoes. We can make shoes of different sizes and colors for you according to your needs. For example, you only need one deck, five decks or more decks. . You need to tell us how many decks you will put in trading shoes. We can also make our own unique dealing shoes according to your requirements.

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